I am so, so sorry that you have found this site. I am sorry that you had to type those horrible words, “my husband is a sex addict,” into the search engine and be directed here. I am sorry for you and I am sorry for myself.

In the days after discovering my husband’s infidelity and friends telling me that the reasons he gave, the excuses he tried to make, all sounded like something called “sex addiction,” I typed numerous terms like the name of this website into Google, trying to find out what sex addiction even was, and wanting someone — anyone — to tell me what this meant for me and for my children.

I had so many questions.

Was my husband a sociopath? When I first realized he had been unfaithful yet again — even though he knew how much it hurt me the first time, even though he swore any type of “cheating” was totally, totally contrary to his values — I thought he must be a sociopath. I couldn’t think of any other possibility. Then I heard about sex addiction.

So what is sex addiction?

Should I throw him out of the house?

What about my children?

Can my husband ever change?

Do I even want to see if he can change?

Am I going to be cheated on every few years for the rest of my life?

How could he do this?

Why did he do this?

What else has he done?

How will I ever know whether he’s telling the truth or not?

I caught my husband sexting with a stranger only a few months ago. It’s too soon for me to have answers to my questions. But I have started to find those answers, and I’d like to update this website as my story continues in the hope that it will be a resource for other partners of sex addicts — both women and men — who are following on this horrible path.

Please keep in mind that I am not a therapist or a mental health professional. I may very well not know what I’m talking about half the time. This is my personal experience and any opinions I express are my own, very raw, lay opinions.


2 thoughts on “You are not alone.

  1. I am not alone. You are not alone. That is the sad truth. And yet from that comes support and love for each other that blesses us more than we can imagine as we seek answers and knowledge, and most importantly our own healing. I welcome you here, and thank you for having the courage and vulnerability to open and share your heart and story. I look forward to sharing this part of our journeys to wholeness and understanding together. Many blessings.


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